Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.
閱讀 Reading
IELTS 的考題設計裡⾯,有許多題⽬是屬於⽂順等於題順。換言之,答案會在⽂章中依照題⽬順序出現。
1. True/ False/ Not Given (Yes/ No/ Not Given)
2. Diagram Labelling
3. Note/ table/ sentence completion
4. Summary Completion
答題時,發現⽂順等於題順的題組先做,並且在閱讀過程中,邊回答⽂順非題順的題組。 考場即戰場,答對題數多的⾼分,少的低分。
#1 不要再逐字逐句翻譯!
寫閱讀題的過程中,許多考⽣都很喜歡翻譯,其實不⽤這樣,雅思這個考試的名稱為 International English Language Testing System,⽬的是測驗你 English Langauge 英語的能⼒,⽽非知識的能⼒。所以遇到不會的單字沒關係,穩穩往下讀就好!
An important archaeological discovery on this island of Éfaté in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces of an ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of today’s Polynesians. The site came to light only by chance. An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of derelict plantation, scraped open a grave — the first of dozens in a burial ground some 3,000 years old. It is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbours the remains of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita.
1. 有個重要的發現 (What)
2. 發現的過程 (How)
剩下的字,考試當下看不懂沒有關係,因為不影響你閱讀,畢竟雅思沒有題⽬會問你說:What is archipelago? 也沒有問你 scrape 是什麼意思?
#2 ⼀定要計時,⽽且不要 60 分鐘
平常在練習閱讀時,⼀定要計時。三篇⽂章正式考試時間是 60 分鐘,但在這邊我們誠摯地建議,平常練習時只給⾃⼰ 55 分鐘左右,讓⾃⼰在更短的時間內寫完,並且拿到理想的⽬標分數。這樣⼀來,考試的時候只要按照平常的閱讀節奏,就會發現「哇!怎麼有那麼多時間啊!」
#3 在正式考試的時間段練習
練習閱讀時,建議⼤家在早上 11:00 之前練習,因為正式的閱讀考試也落在上午這個時段。
在同時段練習才有辦法讓⾃⼰模擬以及熟悉考試的感覺,長期下來可以調整⾃⼰的⽣理時鐘, ⼀到這個時間就是要備戰寫閱讀。
IELTS 的閱讀⽂章常有許多插入語或複雜的⽂法結構,讓考⽣沒有辦法順利理解⽂意。
今天這篇⽂章就是要帶著⼤家理解 IELTS 的長難句,並且幫⼤家歸納五⼤重點。
#1 ⼈名後⾯的頭銜,不須理會
A 段:Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King’s College, has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution.
Alan Macfarlane has spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution.Alan Macfarlane 本⼈是哪個領域的學者並不重要。另外,like other historians 這句常常會有考⽣看 不懂⽽卡住,但這句其實只是插入語
#2 兩條槓槓或者兩逗號之間的資訊可以先不理會
在英⽂當中,兩條槓槓或兩逗號中間的資訊常常是補充說明,說明前⾯的名詞。閱讀的過程中這種 補充說明可以先省略,如不懂⽂意再閱讀即可。
⾸先看到 B 段,這個段落只有 3 個句⼦,但卻非常長。 來,跟著我們把每⼀個句⼦的主要資訊找出來。
B 段第⼀句:The missing factors are to be found in almost every kitchen cupboard.
第⼀句當中 he proposes 可以刪掉。
B 段第⼆句:Tea and beer fuelled the revolution.
第⼆句當中,其實我們不⽤知道 tea and beer 是英國兩種最受⼤眾喜愛的飲品。
#3 AND, OR 出現時,注意平⾏結構
B 段第三句:The antiseptic properties of tannin and of hops in bears allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters. (without succumbing to water-borne disease such as dysentery)
第三句當中,雖然不懂 tannin 是什麼,不過因為 and 的出現,我們可以得知 tannin 以及 hops 的 antiseptic properties 讓都市的群體 (urban communities) 繁榮昌盛
#4 遇到介系詞就切割
B 段第三句:The antiseptic properties of tannin and of hops in bears allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters. (without succumbing to water-borne disease such as dysentery)
最後因為出現介系詞 without,會建議考⽣閱讀時到了最後再把這樣的資訊加上來,才不會讓⾃⼰在 閱讀理解上有困難。
#5 注意形容詞片語
這邊⽤另⼀篇⽂章段落舉例: The higher the children’s IQ scores, especially over IQ 130, the better the quality of their educational backup, measured in terms of reported verbal interactions with parents, number of books and activities in their home etc.
從這個段落可以看出 [the quality of educational backup] 是以 [reported verbal interactions with parents, number of books and activities in their home.] 來做衡量 (measured)
另外,這邊⼜再⼀次看到平⾏結構。平⾏結構在考試當中常常是答案出現的地⽅,但同時也是讓考 ⽣閱讀不順的地⽅,因此要特別注意平⾏結構。
我們⽤以下的短⽂舉例: (為⽅便閱讀,將短⽂分成 AB 兩段)
A 段
Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King’s College, has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution.
B 段
The missing factors, he proposes, are to be found in almost every kitchen cupboard. Tea and beer, two of the nation’s favourite drinks, fuelled the revolution. The antiseptic properties of tannin, the active ingredient in tea, and of hops in bears — plus the fact that both are made with boiled water — allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters without succumbing to water-borne disease such as dysentery.